United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women) work on several missions throughout the year. Are you interested in being a part of the women’s group? We meet monthly, you’ll find the meetings on the church calendar. We welcome any woman regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey. Please join us and enjoy the company of other woman, serving our loving God by helping others. Call us at 303-646-1870 or email marcia@elizabethunitedmethodists.org if you are interested.[edsanimate_end]
Elizabeth United Methodists Men welcome you to join them in their efforts to serve our loving God. Our UMM have done some impressive missions and look forward to expanding their outreach. This year UMM were able to supply area schools with sports equipment that the schools could not have continued these programs without. They also worked with the locaHigh Schools and created a diversion program for teens without Dads at home. Call us at 303-646-1870 or email marcia@elizabethunitedmethodists.org if you are interested.[edsanimate_end]
Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need. If you would like more information about Stephen Ministry contact Reverend Mary Beth Taylor at pastor@elizabethunitedmethodists.org or 303-646-1870.