Bible Study

EUMC 225 W Kiowa Ave, Elizabeth, United States

Bible Study - In Person at EUMC - 3:30-4:30pm Very active, engaging conversations occur every week. No Homework!! We read and discuss as we go. Come when you can!! Call Kathy Bailey for more information: 303-968-7473. Zoom is available if needed.

Book Study

Elizabeth United Methodist Church 225 W Kiowa Ave, Elizabeth, CO, United States

Wednesday Morning Book Study When: Wednesday Mornings Time: 10:00-11:30 am For Zoom Link Email: This is a weekly study group that meets from 10:00-11:30 a.m.  We read books on various spiritual topics and enjoy lively conversation with our coffee/tea/hot chocolate.  All are welcome. We are meeting  on Zoom Only for the winter.    Email: […]

Ukelele Group

EUMC 225 W Kiowa Ave, Elizabeth, United States

This Group meets weekly for music, conversation and connections. All are welcome, no experience needed. Contact Deb Plummer for more information - 303-263-4814.

Blood Drive

Zoom One Line, United States

*February 16th  - 8:30am - 12:30pm -  Sign Up On Line

Ukelele Group

EUMC 225 W Kiowa Ave, Elizabeth, United States

This Group meets weekly for music, conversation and connections. All are welcome, no experience needed. Contact Deb Plummer for more information - 303-263-4814.

Pot Luck – Every 5th Sunday

Come join us for a pot luck and some singing after church on every fifth Sunday throughout the year. Bring a dish to share and a friend!!!!! All are welcome!!