Please join us at our All Church, Reconnect with our Congregation, Church and Community meeting on Saturday August 21st at 11:00 a.m.
We will be offering this event both in person and on Zoom. Contact for zoom link.
On August 2, Reverend Teri announced her retirement. We have been so incredibly fortunate to have had the benefit of her compassionate leadership for many years. Teri will continue to guide us through spring of 2022 however we need to come together as a church and begin the transition to ensure we maintain a strong community presence. As we reopen our doors to the community and welcome friends to our church family we have much work ahead of us. Please prayerfully consider your part in our future. We have come so far and have so much to be grateful for. It is time to give our time and talents to ensure we provide lasting fellowship, ministry and discipleship to our community Please join your church family on August 21, at 11:00 am at the church. Your safety is a priority so we will also provide a Zoom invite. Here are just a few opportunities to lend your talent. Remember no one is perfect and God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
*Newsletter *Website *Technology *Music *Choir/Bells *Bible Studies *Sunday School - kids & adults *Marketing and publicity
* Prayer Team *Worship Committee *Worship Leaders *Decorations *Cleaning/Covid *Maintenance
*Stephen Ministries *Communication/Contact committee *Blessing Bags/Sack Packs *Missions *Craft Fair